Welcome. This site facilitates a repository of select works by designer Alex Hampshire.

Presented items include projects, tools, service initiatives and case studies collated to provide insight to professional practice and areas of applied research.

Focused to architecture and multimedia arts, each work centres the application of technology and materiality to curate experiences via the expression of Light and Lighting.

This interdisciplinary practice is scalable and adaptable to various environments, formats and processes, with a focus on collaboration, innovation, and advancement.

For details on any listed works or further practice information, please use the contact options provided below. Enquiries for new assignments and freelance design services are welcomed.

Tel  +31 (0) 625 319 446

Year:   2022-ONGOING
Role:   Design, Dev & Strategy

Lightstudy is an independent Research, Design and Development initiative providing a range of interdisciplinary services to the architectural lighting industry.

Focused to three central objectives - Product Innovation, Design Communication and Project Optimisation - the initiative operates in pursuit of technically robust solutions. This includes the coordination of internal and adjacent industry expertise, in close collaboration with partners and clients, to secure objective and contextually targeted results. Fields of expert engagement include scientific research, psychophysiology, fine art, computation and interactive technology.

- Product Innovation
Assisting luminaire design and manufacture clients with focused research, strategised to identify optimal innovation criteria, functional performance characteristics and support the design evolution of next-generation lighting product.

See Project: Luminaire Optimisation

- Design Communication
Developing dynamic and interactive visualisation tools designed specifically for effective communication of project lighting. The service seeks to reduce the gap between industry standard visual communication methods and the expansive capacity of contemporary lighting equipment for wellness, sustainability and engagement.

See Project: Responsive Visualisation

- Project Optimisation
Utilising scientific research and interdisciplinary expert engagement to establish prime operational lighting conditions for specialised installations and environments. The service seeks to explore, unlock and expand the potential of a given assignment.

For more detailed information on the Lightstudy initiative and scope of service, please enquire via the contact options provided.

Research:  Luminaire Optimisation
Tool Dev:  .IES/.LDT 3D Workshop
Tool Dev:  Responsive Visualisation
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